Friday, February 15, 2008

Windows Live Hotmail

The fact is, this is the THIRD listeria outbreak that's been connected to pasteurized milk. Pasteurization is supposed to make foods listeria-free. Obviously, that's not always the case. How badly do you think Big Dairy would like to sweep this story under the rug? It's incredibly ironic that this has happened to a pasteurizing dairy rather than a raw-milk dairy. This sort of thing is only supposed to happen with raw milk! I'm not sure who this story upsets more – the FDA, the anti-raw-milk lobbyists of Big Dairy, or the poor, organic dairies who are prevented from marketing their raw milk products – which have RARELY been found to have potentially deadly pathogens such as listeria, E. coli, or salmonella. As you probably already know, I'm a huge raw milk advocate. It's chock-full of calcium, vitamin D, lactoferrins (natural antibiotics, and other good stuff). I've written on more than one occasion of the struggles of both the consumers and producers of raw-milk, and how overzealous FDA regulation of the product is driving raw-milk fans underground. It's my hope that raw-milk dairies and lobbies can use this incident to point out that their product is just as safe (if not safer) than pasteurized milk … and get the FDA and state regulators to ease up on the incredibly restrictive raw-milk laws.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What approach should I take?

Long story short- Stripped of all my parental rights when boys were taken from my care when they were 7 & 10. Eldest son turns 18 on Saturday. Do I just go right up to the house and knock and ask to see my son? Or wait in the car for him to hopefully notice me & come out? Will it break my younger son's heart not to be able to come? What do I do?